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Learn @ Solétude

Solétude has been designed so that people taking courses can enjoy working in a variety of environments.

Teaching is held either in the large performance

space with a Bechstein grand or workshop room with a Steinway B.


There are also dedicated practice rooms, either for private study, or supported practise, as well as a multiplicity of other spaces available for music making. These range from shady areas in

the beautiful grounds to the living spaces in the accommodation.


All courses are designed so that there is a balance between work (which is taught or otherwise supported) and free time. During the latter, guests can choose to either practise independently, enjoy all the extra activities that La Ville has to offer, explore the surrounding area, or simply relax by the pool.

Each day is divided into four sessions, of which up to three are taught. There are timetabled outlines for each course, which are provided upon arrival, but which aim to be flexible.


Piano Courses


For those who want to devote some concentrated time to improving their playing and performance skills in a supportive environment. Courses are designed so that participants will work at similar levels and enjoy workshops with a central focus of repertoire. Time will however also be devoted to piano ensemble playing, guided practice and discovering new repertoire – some especially composed for the group.

Up-coming Courses

Piano for Adult Learners 1           May  6th – 13th 

For those who can play with basic fluency at an elementary level.

The course will have a central focus of Schumann’s Album for the Young and Bach’s 18 Little Preludes. Each participant should bring with them a copy of both works and have one piece from each prepared before arrival.

During the course, at least one more piece will be learnt, but time will also be spent enjoying playing duets and trios with new friends, with music specifically tailored to the course, either in original pieces, or arrangements of more standard repertoire.

There will be daily workshop sessions, supported practice time, as well as free time for either relaxing, exploring the local area, or making more music according to personal choice. On the last evening there will be an informal performance in the Concert Room.


Piano Teacher Development Course         July 21 - 28th 

An opportunity for piano teachers who work both privately and in schools and at all levels to develop their skills both in teaching and performing in their role as teachers. The courses will focus on aspects of developing the ‘rounded musician’ through teaching technique, sight-reading, practice skills, repertoire, improvisation and preparing for performance (including exam preparation).

Participants should bring with them a range of their current teaching materials.

Piano for Adult Learners 2           Jun 2nd - 9th 

For those who play at an intermediate level (approx. grades 5-7 )

The focus work for this course will be Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons Opus 37. Participants should come with their own complete copy and at least one piece already prepared. During the course, everyone will learn at least one further piece from the same opus.

Daily workshops will be devoted to learning strategies, developing technique, creating persuasive interpretations and performance skills.


Time will also be made available for everyone to play one piece of their own choice, provided that notes are already learnt prior to the course.

Music Appreciation Courses

For those who simply enjoy music by finding out more about how composers put their works together and how different repertoire fits into a bigger picture of musical history.

Come and enjoy a week of informal illustrated talks in the most idyllic surroundings, where a balance between music, relaxation and good food are the main considerations

Up-coming Courses

The Shifting Sands of Classicism           June 17th - 23rd 

With a particular focus on orchestral and keyboard repertoire, this short course will trace the development of music through one of the most innovative musical periods. Daily informal fully illustrated talks will also include time for group discussions.


Leisure time will also be built into the course.

Vocal Courses

A variety of courses are on offer so that people of all abilities and aspirations can enjoy their singing.


Short Courses- Working days begin at 10.00 and finish at 17.15.
Stages Court – horaires 10h-17.15 tlj


Course 1: Sunday May 19th – Singing Day.

A one day course designed primarily for those regularly singing in Les Solétudiantes. This is an opportunity to enjoy a day of beginning to learn some of the new songs for the September concert, balanced with time to relax and socialise with fellow singers.

Fee: 16 Euros – Refreshments throughout the day included.

Stage 1: dimanche 19 mai - Jour du chant. 

Une journée conçue principalement pour ceux qui chantent régulièrement dans Les Solétudiantes et qui ont envie de se lancer dans l’apprentissage des nouvelles chansons pour notre concert de septembre. Venez profiter d’une journée de travil dans une ambiance
relaxante et sociable.


Prix: 16 Euros, déjeuner et refraîchement compris.



Course 2: July 8 th -10 th - I Can Sing A Rainbow.

A three day course where the music chosen will have a connection to different colours. Songs will be chosen from a wide range of styles and be specially arranged in-house for the enrolled group. The course will also include opportunities to develop sight-singing and general musicianship skills.

Fee: 60 Euros. (non-residential) 400 Euros (residential) The fee includes course materials and daily refreshments.

Stage 2: du 8 au 10 juillet - Je Chante en Couleurs.
Un cours de trois jours où la musique choisie sera reliée à différentes couleurs. Les chansons chacune dans un style different, seront spécialement arrangées pour notre groupe de chanteurs inscrits. On travillera aussi sur le développement de compétance de déchiffrage et en maestria de musician.

Prix: 60 euros. (non résidentiel) 400 euros (résidentiel) matériaux, déjeuner et refraîchissements compris.


Course 3: August 28 th -30 th - If Music Be The Food Of Love…….

A three day course which will focus on the theme of love in song.  The repertoire will be mixed in mood and style, and songs will be arranged to
suit the blend of voices enrolled for the course. Days will be planned to include some smaller group learning and there will be an informal concert in the last session of the course.

Fee: 60 Euros (non-residential) 400 Euros (residential) Includes course materials and daily refreshments.

Stage 3: 28-30 août. Si la Musique est la Nourriture de l'Amour …….

Un cours de trois jours qui portera sur le thème de l'amour dans la chanson.  Le répertoire sera varié en style et en éspirit, et les chansons seront arrangées pour correspondre au mélange des voix des participants. Du travail en petit groupe sera inclus dans le planning, et un concert informel aura lieu lors de la dernière session du cours.

Prix: 60 euros. (non résidentiel) 400 euros (résidentiel) matériaux, déjeuner et refraîchissements compris.

Brass Courses

For players of all brass instruments and all standards! This is a rare opportunity for players of all levels to enjoy making music together, courtesy of the arranging skills of Chris. These courses offer players of any brass instrument an opportunity to enhance their own playing as well as to develop ensemble skills, within a supportive environment. The courses will include sessions on tone production, stamina enhancement, performance skills and improvisation. Time will also be devoted to solo repertoire with the advantage of an accompanist.

Composing and Arranging Courses

Come and work with two people who have been writing original and arranging existing music for decades. Courses will have a central focus, but time will also be available to work on either existing material or skeletal ideas. People enrolling should come with a laptop pre-loaded with a music composition programme. E.g. Sibelius. Those who do not have this facility should talk to Chris and Moira before enrolling.

Individual Lessons


Chris and Moira offer individual lessons in any of the advertised subjects. For further details please contact us.


Courses are designed so that participants will work at similar levels and enjoy workshops with a central focus of repertoire. Time will however also be devoted to piano ensemble playing, guided practice and discovering new repertoire – some especially composed for the group.

Popular Searches: Residential Music Courses France. Piano Courses. Choral Courses. Singing Courses. Music Teacher Training

La Ville
Tarn- et- Garonne

Tel: 0033 (0) 9 75 90 36 34

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Proudly designed by Corbett Creative


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